Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 5 - 31 December

On the way to Windhoek last night, I got caught in a Cloudburst that was so severe the rain was pushed through the gap between the roof and the windshield causing me to have to pull off the road until the worst was over.
I was soaked through my clothes, my luggage got wet and I realised that I would need to fix this gap to prevent the same happening again.

I made my decision to spend Old Years Eve in Swakopmund, so after filling up in Windhoek I set off for the coast.
It was still raining and I thought that if I could ride past the rain, I would be able to stop somewhere dry and pitch my tent.
Not to be..........I could not outrun the rain and it was getting late. So stop in Okahandja and assessed the situation. Decided that I would continue until I found a suitable spot off the main road to stop.
This then was the first time that I "Bush camped", but because it was still raining I decided to sleep in the Buggy.

Let me say: even though small one can still sleep inside the Buggy. It was a bit cramped and I woke up a few times during the night to stretch a stiff muscle but eventually around 6h30am I woke up and started driving with the aim of reaching Swakopmund in time for Brunch.

Stopped in Karibib for a coffee and met a few traffic policemen who admired me for what I am undetaking and also complained about the South Africa visitors who disregard all road rules when coming to the Skeleton Coast for their holiday. (maybe a generalisation but South Africans are know to be a bit arrogant)


  1. Bestaluck, Adriaan! Looks like a lot of fun - would love to do it myself but your guts are more than mine! Please join us at for updates, I've already posted some of your pics there.

    Have fun, and take care

    Adriaan Pienaar (Pine)

  2. Hi, I just wanted to say that it's great to read about adventures like yours, I would also love to be able to undertake a challenge like this one day but until then.. I'll keep dreaming and reading about others doing it =)
